Showing posts with label Google Adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Adsense. Show all posts

Monday 21 July 2014

How to Increase Adsense CPC | CTR | RPM

Google Adsense is one of the most prominent PPC (Pay Per Click) network which pays the highest amount of money to its publishers for valid click that come from original visitors in genuine way.When new publishers join this network they sometimes get confused about their adsense account and different sections inside it.So i am here to help you understand the basics of Google Adsense.In this article i will tell you about Adsense CPC,CTR and RPM and how to increase them by making some changes in the strategies.So,let's begin.

What is Adsense CPC,CTR and RPM ?

 The CPC stands for Cost Per Click.

The CTR stands for Click through rate.

The RPM stands for Revenue Per thousand impressions.

Now when you know their simple meaning than you'll have to understand some facts about them.So lets proceed further.

The Adsense CPC is the price of click which visitors do on your website when they visit your website,if they are interested, they click on relevant ads and in return Google pays you some $$ which might be between 0.01 to $20 per click.

The CTR is the percentage of the visitors who click on the ads being on your website.

The RPM is the calculation of how much you earn from per 1000 impressions with Google Adsense.

How to increase Adsense CTR,CPC and RPM ?

You can increase your adsense CTR very easily by placing the ads on the right locations on your website,for example you can use Google Ads below post titles on single pages to boost your CTR,also you can add a big ad unit in the header and one in the footer to get more clicks on the ads.Also use different types of ads such as image and text ads,never use link ads because they do not get more clicks.Always use the sizes 300*250,768*90,468*60 and 300*600 because these sizes get more clicks and are recommended by Google itself.

For increasing CPC and RPM,you simply need to drive more visitors from USA,Canada and other developed countries.Advertisers pay more for visitors coming from these countries.So,choose a perfect topic for your website that boost your CPC and CTR.Here are some perfect topics.

>> Make Money Online
>> SEO 
>> Web Development 
>> Health Care 
>> Forex Trading 
>> Web Hosting Reviews 
>> Yoga 
>> Blogging 
>> Web designing 
>> Online Marketing.

Writing quality articles can also boost your CPC and RPM,include your main keywords in the articles and also write original articles which have many keywords so that Crawlers can easily crawl your site and you get many visitors,clicks,impressions and perfect earning.

Recommended For You :


Friday 18 July 2014

How To Create A Great Website That Is Valuable To Your Audience

How to Create A Great Website That Is Valuable To Your Audience?

Are you looking to set up a new website or blog?,the Google Webmaster Academy can help you.Ever it is launched in 2012,it has helped thousands of webmasters to take their websites to the next level.Here's our version of how to create a great website.

Step 1 : Setting up a new website

Setting up a new website is the easiest part.But you have to get out of the comfort of the sub domain and spend a few money on buying a custom domain and hosting (unless you're blogger,in which case you just need to buy a domain).

But before that you need to decide that you want a blog or a website.If you want to get a blog so please choose blogger or wordpress,because these are the two most famous platforms for blogging.Now you have to choose a custom domain for your site.Visit godaddy for registering a new domain or hostgator for web hosting.

Step 2 : Identify A Target Audience 

Before you create your content,you should identify your site's audience.These are the people you want to visit your site.For example : the audience for our site COOL BLOGGER STUFF  includes bloggers,webmasters etc.Once you identify your audience you will create a content that is useful and relevant to them.Once you have plans for your website written down,show your friends and family to gather feedback.Ask them what they think about your site as a professional visitor.You can also conduct surveys and tests.Ask them what they think about your site.

Step 3 : Creating High Quality Content 

The key to creating a great website is to create a best quality content for your audience.If people found your site great and unique they may come back time to time or link your content to their own websites.This can help attract more people to your site over time.

As you being creating unique content,so make sure that your site is :-

-> Useful and Informative :If your website is for launching a restaurant,you can include the location,hours of operation,contact information,menu and a blog to share upcoming events.

-> More Valuable and Useful than other sites :If you write about how to train a dog,make sure that your articles provide more value or a different perspective than the numerous articles on the web.

-> A recognized authority on a subject :Think about how the users might identify the authority by using original research,citations,links or references.Things like a short author biography help to boost to article's trustworthiness and reputation.

-> High Quality Content :Your blog's content should be unique,specific and high quality.It should not be massed produced or very huge.Keep in mind that your content should be created primarily to get good user experience not to get well ranked in search engines.

-> Engaging :-Bring color and life to your site by adding images in your posts.Make sure that your visitors are not distracted by spelling mistakes and factual errors.Engage visitors by interacting with them through regular updates,comment boxes or social media plugins.

Step 4 : Site Structure

As a webmaster,you want your users to quickly and easily navigate your site to find the content they are looking for.You also want search engines t easily crawl your site and understand the content that you consider is important.Keep in your mind that mobile optimization is very important because with increasing smartphone usage,mobile is now as important as desktop.As a webmaster,you need to prepare a mobile version of your site.So get started with these tips.

Stay tuned with cool blogger stuff for more information....Happy blogging :)       

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Google Adsense approval within 3 days | SEO

Before applying to Google adsense,make sure that you have followed these points.Everything counts including your blog's layout,content,number of posts,SEO metrics,back links etc.Every single of them have a importance in approving your account.So check the things given below carefully :-

Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages :-

If you are applying for adsense from a wordpress blog you should maintain a minimum of 40 articles.And if it is another website so you have to maintain minimum of 30 articles.

Google Analytics code :-

You need to install Google analytics code to your blog/website.To do this,just log in to your Google Analytics account and click admin where you can see + new account under accounts tag.Now search and get access to your Tracking id and analytics code.

Google Webmaster Verification Page :-

You need to have Google Webmaster account and you have to check your website's report,crawl reports,errors etc regularly.

Uploading Sitemap :-

You have need to upload your website's sitemap to bing,yahoo and other search engines.To get traffic and page views.Your sitemap will be .xml which is easy to crawl by the search engines.

Robot.txt :-

You have to create a robot.txt file in your site.No matter if a wordpress site or any other,you have to create it.This will tell the search engines that what to index and what to not.

Alexa Rank :-

A lot of people disagree with this statement.But you have to build a decent alexa rank of your site.Make sure that your rank is under 400k.Else the chances are low to be confirmed by adsense.

Additional Pages :-

You have to create a privacy policy,about,contact us page and terms of use page before applying to adsense.You need to mention that what your site is about and how helpful for people.

Decent Traffic :-

Now this is the most important of all.Your site have to be generate best huge organic traffic to be easily approved by adsense.Your site have to be 1000 unique visitors per day and 2k-3k page views to be easily approved and generate huge revenue.

Please drop a line of your experience in the comments.Stay tuned with Cool Blogger Stuff for more.

Friday 27 June 2014

Chitika vs Google Adsense - A Review

Google adsense is undoubtedly the best blog monetization PPC network which has been unbeatable in the world of online advertising.Now a days,it is very hard to get your account and blog approved by Google Adsense, and for that reason blog and website owners look for any good Adsense alternative.Chitika is one of the adsense alternative which is loved by several publishers due to easy account approval at the network.At Chitika ,you do not face any trouble in getting your account approved.But,Chitika is only a minor alternative of Google Adsense.Do not think that Chitika is same as Google Adsense.



Thursday 19 June 2014

11 tips to get your Adsense account approved

There are thousands of blogspot accounts being opened everyday and Google has been receiving many applications for Adsense approval.So, it is really hard to think that your adsense application will be get approval ;even google adheres to their policy strictly.So their are some useful tips for you to get approval for your account.

Submitting your blog to search engines:- 

Surprisingly, it's not important to check whether your blog is receiving huge traffic or not but it is very important to ensure that whatever posts you have written and whatever pages you have submitted were INDEXED by the search engines.Our blog can also get huge traffic without indexing ! but it does not mean that our blog is receiving traffic by the search engines.Proper submission to search engines is an important tool and in fact a proper way to get page ranks.

Some Useful Tricks For Implementation :-

1) Link your webmaster account to Google Analytics account.

2) Resubmit your blog sitemap to Adsense before applying to adsense.

3) Submit all your individual posts to webmaster "Fetch As Google" tool.

4) Maintained more back links for a good page rank.

5) Submit your blog URL to social media sites.

6) Maintained Clean blog layout.

7) Checked Blog and individual meta tags and search descriptions.

8) Created and included RSS feeders.

9) No broken links.

10) Keep Writing/posting

11) Recheck your blog for content errors regularly.


Wednesday 18 June 2014

How to get GOOGLE ADSENSE approved account ?

All the bloggers in the world are working day and night for earning money. Right?

Here are some tips for you to earn money from the worlds best ads giving website known as GOOGLE ADSENSE .
First let me give you a brief description about Google Adsense.

What is Adsense ?

Adsense  is the largest ad network which works  at pay per click system.Anyone clicks on the ads and you have the amount credit in your account.But....keep calm.....Nowadays getting approved by adsense is not as easy as before.Your tiny mistakes make you disapproved.

I have done a lot of research on this topic to deliver the best approval tips for you.

Things to do before applying for adsense.

#Relevant content :                                                                                                                                                               The first and the most important thing is to deliver the high quality content.Delivering the high quality content is a very important thing that can't be overlooked.Content is something that truly matters.Adsense don't approve blog with illegal posts like drugs/pornographic content etc.Make sure that your every post contains more than 500 words.Never copy paste the content form any website or blog only take the idea from them.

#Page Views :         

                           The second things that really matters is page views of the blog or website.Your blog should get 1000 unique visitors per day and 2k page views to earn a sufficient amount of money.How to increase your page views ?
-> Make use of social media. Upload your content regularly.
-> Submit a sitemap of your website to search engines.
-> Update Your Blog Regularly.

#Domain :                                                                                                                                                                 I suggests you to take a top level domain.Gone are the days when adsense approves and You can get a .com domain in just $2 or $3 not a big deal !

#About And Contact Us Page :

         Your blog must have a contact and about page.This let google that you are the same person and not a fraud.Make sure you enter your email id correctly in the contact page.

Keep checking the adsense policies as it keeps updating it regularly due to which you get disapproved.
Please comment below to share your experience with us.