Tuesday 15 July 2014

Google Adsense approval within 3 days | SEO

Before applying to Google adsense,make sure that you have followed these points.Everything counts including your blog's layout,content,number of posts,SEO metrics,back links etc.Every single of them have a importance in approving your account.So check the things given below carefully :-

Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages :-

If you are applying for adsense from a wordpress blog you should maintain a minimum of 40 articles.And if it is another website so you have to maintain minimum of 30 articles.

Google Analytics code :-

You need to install Google analytics code to your blog/website.To do this,just log in to your Google Analytics account and click admin where you can see + new account under accounts tag.Now search and get access to your Tracking id and analytics code.

Google Webmaster Verification Page :-

You need to have Google Webmaster account and you have to check your website's report,crawl reports,errors etc regularly.

Uploading Sitemap :-

You have need to upload your website's sitemap to bing,yahoo and other search engines.To get traffic and page views.Your sitemap will be .xml which is easy to crawl by the search engines.

Robot.txt :-

You have to create a robot.txt file in your site.No matter if a wordpress site or any other,you have to create it.This will tell the search engines that what to index and what to not.

Alexa Rank :-

A lot of people disagree with this statement.But you have to build a decent alexa rank of your site.Make sure that your rank is under 400k.Else the chances are low to be confirmed by adsense.

Additional Pages :-

You have to create a privacy policy,about,contact us page and terms of use page before applying to adsense.You need to mention that what your site is about and how helpful for people.

Decent Traffic :-

Now this is the most important of all.Your site have to be generate best huge organic traffic to be easily approved by adsense.Your site have to be 1000 unique visitors per day and 2k-3k page views to be easily approved and generate huge revenue.

Please drop a line of your experience in the comments.Stay tuned with Cool Blogger Stuff for more.

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