Showing posts with label Earning money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earning money. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 July 2014

How to become a Millionaire using Internet ?

Millions and Billions of people are earning from livelihoods from the internet these days.With the passage of time,the revolutions in science and technology and the advent of internet has made our lives easier.You can also become a millionaire using internet if you are skilled enough and have tricks for huge earnings.

So you can be a millionaire by using internet and by adopting the following ways.

1. Import Export :

Gone are the days when internet was a fun making tool,nowadays plenty of people are doing import export businesses by using this platform.It is also quiet easy to find the interested buyers for your products.A lot of websites like,, etc. can help you make your way to success.Becoming a millionaire using import export on internet is like a cup of tea these days.Just you have to make sure that your clients are original and won't scam you.To ensure your security and payment terms you can also take advance payments.Once you are perfect on this business,you will become a rich man in few days.

2. Have Personal Blogs :

At the initial stages,personal blog's won't earn you a handsome income,only the efforts and skills are to be put on them for about five to six months.But once you are able to establish 10 blogs with adsense approved on them and have enough financiers,you will earn a decent amount of money from them.Many of the successful bloggers are earning a huge amount of money from their personal blogs.

3. Become an online marketer :

Just like the real-world marketers,the online marketers earn a handsome amount.If you think you have the skills to grasp the attention of clients from the world over,then many companies are waiting to appoint online marketers.What you have to do is just to drop your CV and cover letters to such interested companies.Once they interview and appoint you,be assured that this would be your time to make your way to become a millionaire.

4. Online Trading :

Doing trading online is like an import export work but it is somewhat different and better.To become a successful trader online,you first need to promote your services.For this purpose you can use Social Media,like Facebook,Google+,Twitter and LinkedIn etc so the world know that you are a trader and let the interested clients hire your services.Once,some people or company owners hire you as there representative traders,you would automatically start earning a huge amount of money on monthly or weekly basis.Once you set-up your repute you can start a separate trading business.Keep in mind that repute of a trader matters a lot,until or unless it is kept maintained,you would get successful online deals.Once your repute is at risk,no one would hire you.

I am sure by knowing these ideas,you will make your way towards becoming millionaire using internet.So,start your way a earn a-lot.Also stay connected with us for getting more information.

 Recommended For You :-


Monday 21 July 2014

How to Increase Adsense CPC | CTR | RPM

Google Adsense is one of the most prominent PPC (Pay Per Click) network which pays the highest amount of money to its publishers for valid click that come from original visitors in genuine way.When new publishers join this network they sometimes get confused about their adsense account and different sections inside it.So i am here to help you understand the basics of Google Adsense.In this article i will tell you about Adsense CPC,CTR and RPM and how to increase them by making some changes in the strategies.So,let's begin.

What is Adsense CPC,CTR and RPM ?

 The CPC stands for Cost Per Click.

The CTR stands for Click through rate.

The RPM stands for Revenue Per thousand impressions.

Now when you know their simple meaning than you'll have to understand some facts about them.So lets proceed further.

The Adsense CPC is the price of click which visitors do on your website when they visit your website,if they are interested, they click on relevant ads and in return Google pays you some $$ which might be between 0.01 to $20 per click.

The CTR is the percentage of the visitors who click on the ads being on your website.

The RPM is the calculation of how much you earn from per 1000 impressions with Google Adsense.

How to increase Adsense CTR,CPC and RPM ?

You can increase your adsense CTR very easily by placing the ads on the right locations on your website,for example you can use Google Ads below post titles on single pages to boost your CTR,also you can add a big ad unit in the header and one in the footer to get more clicks on the ads.Also use different types of ads such as image and text ads,never use link ads because they do not get more clicks.Always use the sizes 300*250,768*90,468*60 and 300*600 because these sizes get more clicks and are recommended by Google itself.

For increasing CPC and RPM,you simply need to drive more visitors from USA,Canada and other developed countries.Advertisers pay more for visitors coming from these countries.So,choose a perfect topic for your website that boost your CPC and CTR.Here are some perfect topics.

>> Make Money Online
>> SEO 
>> Web Development 
>> Health Care 
>> Forex Trading 
>> Web Hosting Reviews 
>> Yoga 
>> Blogging 
>> Web designing 
>> Online Marketing.

Writing quality articles can also boost your CPC and RPM,include your main keywords in the articles and also write original articles which have many keywords so that Crawlers can easily crawl your site and you get many visitors,clicks,impressions and perfect earning.

Recommended For You :


Sunday 20 July 2014

How to Find Online SEO Jobs & Make Money

As the use of internet is taking control on our daily routine,there is a large change in job market that can be seen all over the world.The need of a good SEO is quite similar to this scenario.Every business needs to stay on google and bing but not every one is professional in Search Engine Optimization.So there is very need of the professionals.

What could be the possible sources to find SEO jobs online ?

This question arouse to all of those who are just starting out their journey in the field of SEO and want to be noticed in the eyes of the companies to make money online.But what could be the possible ways to get SEO jobs ?.This question may irritate some of you fellows.Below are few sources that can be utilized (or used) to find SEO jobs online.

Online job Marketplaces :-

 The very first thing you can do to find a SEO job is to turn to online job marketplaces such as Fiverr,oDesk,Elance and Freelancer that are specifically created for online job hunting.
However all these websites are created for the same purpose that is to find work online but few of them differs in their core concept like you may find the working style of Fiverr a bit different from rest of the other sites.At Fiverr,you can make money online by completing gigs,even of SEO projects,but you may not find a reliable job here.

But rest of the websites complies with completely with your vision,finding Online SEO jobs,and can be used to get a long term job.

Elance,oDesk and Freelancers  are the most reliable ways to either find a job or hire staff  members for anyone.Create your account and start building your profile attractive and start your journey.

Start and Experimental websites and get the SEO jobs later :-

If you do not know who to approach for Online SEO jobs after getting sufficient knowledge of SEO,then you may start your own blog or website on any niche and rank it on major search engines (Google,Bing,Yahoo).In this way,you would be making your self credible in SEO market and eventually approached by any recruiter that are looking for someone for the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZER for him/her firm.So start doing experiment and drop a line below in the comments to share your experience with us.

Stay tuned with us for more information.....Happy blogging :)   

Friday 18 July 2014

How To Create A Great Website That Is Valuable To Your Audience

How to Create A Great Website That Is Valuable To Your Audience?

Are you looking to set up a new website or blog?,the Google Webmaster Academy can help you.Ever it is launched in 2012,it has helped thousands of webmasters to take their websites to the next level.Here's our version of how to create a great website.

Step 1 : Setting up a new website

Setting up a new website is the easiest part.But you have to get out of the comfort of the sub domain and spend a few money on buying a custom domain and hosting (unless you're blogger,in which case you just need to buy a domain).

But before that you need to decide that you want a blog or a website.If you want to get a blog so please choose blogger or wordpress,because these are the two most famous platforms for blogging.Now you have to choose a custom domain for your site.Visit godaddy for registering a new domain or hostgator for web hosting.

Step 2 : Identify A Target Audience 

Before you create your content,you should identify your site's audience.These are the people you want to visit your site.For example : the audience for our site COOL BLOGGER STUFF  includes bloggers,webmasters etc.Once you identify your audience you will create a content that is useful and relevant to them.Once you have plans for your website written down,show your friends and family to gather feedback.Ask them what they think about your site as a professional visitor.You can also conduct surveys and tests.Ask them what they think about your site.

Step 3 : Creating High Quality Content 

The key to creating a great website is to create a best quality content for your audience.If people found your site great and unique they may come back time to time or link your content to their own websites.This can help attract more people to your site over time.

As you being creating unique content,so make sure that your site is :-

-> Useful and Informative :If your website is for launching a restaurant,you can include the location,hours of operation,contact information,menu and a blog to share upcoming events.

-> More Valuable and Useful than other sites :If you write about how to train a dog,make sure that your articles provide more value or a different perspective than the numerous articles on the web.

-> A recognized authority on a subject :Think about how the users might identify the authority by using original research,citations,links or references.Things like a short author biography help to boost to article's trustworthiness and reputation.

-> High Quality Content :Your blog's content should be unique,specific and high quality.It should not be massed produced or very huge.Keep in mind that your content should be created primarily to get good user experience not to get well ranked in search engines.

-> Engaging :-Bring color and life to your site by adding images in your posts.Make sure that your visitors are not distracted by spelling mistakes and factual errors.Engage visitors by interacting with them through regular updates,comment boxes or social media plugins.

Step 4 : Site Structure

As a webmaster,you want your users to quickly and easily navigate your site to find the content they are looking for.You also want search engines t easily crawl your site and understand the content that you consider is important.Keep in your mind that mobile optimization is very important because with increasing smartphone usage,mobile is now as important as desktop.As a webmaster,you need to prepare a mobile version of your site.So get started with these tips.

Stay tuned with cool blogger stuff for more information....Happy blogging :)       

Thursday 17 July 2014

What is Freelancing and how to earn money through it

What is FREELANCING and how to EARN MONEY through it? 

What is Freelancing ?

There are many definitions of Freelancing and many people describe it in different ways but in simple and easy words,a freelancer is an employee who does not work for any particular company or organization but employed by number of companies at a short period of time.We can also say that a freelancer is a self employed person who is not obligated to work with a single employer but he can choose his own employers time to time.

How to earn money through freelancing ?

 Freelancers are preferred by most of the employers around the world due to some reasons.For example,by hiring a freelancer the employer does not need to worry about his termination incentives,his retirement planning,his medical bonuses and does not need to face the problems related to regular employees.This is why freelancers are kind of lucky persons who can get any job at any time.

It is the really best option for a freelancer to be employed by a number of companies at once so that he can earn as much as he want but if one does not want to work for a particular company and want's to be his own boss,there is something very fascinating and its freelancer websites.There are dozens of employment websites around the world where a freelancer would register himself and the contractors around the world can hire him.

Most common freelancer websites include Freelancer,oDesk,Freelance and Elance and it is up to you which website you want to get work from.You can register at any of these websites,no rules or regulations will apply.From this way you can get work from all around the world and earn money as much as you want.So start your earning.....

Happy blogging :)
Also Take A look at :-
Top 10 ways to make money online


Tuesday 15 July 2014

Google Adsense approval within 3 days | SEO

Before applying to Google adsense,make sure that you have followed these points.Everything counts including your blog's layout,content,number of posts,SEO metrics,back links etc.Every single of them have a importance in approving your account.So check the things given below carefully :-

Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages :-

If you are applying for adsense from a wordpress blog you should maintain a minimum of 40 articles.And if it is another website so you have to maintain minimum of 30 articles.

Google Analytics code :-

You need to install Google analytics code to your blog/website.To do this,just log in to your Google Analytics account and click admin where you can see + new account under accounts tag.Now search and get access to your Tracking id and analytics code.

Google Webmaster Verification Page :-

You need to have Google Webmaster account and you have to check your website's report,crawl reports,errors etc regularly.

Uploading Sitemap :-

You have need to upload your website's sitemap to bing,yahoo and other search engines.To get traffic and page views.Your sitemap will be .xml which is easy to crawl by the search engines.

Robot.txt :-

You have to create a robot.txt file in your site.No matter if a wordpress site or any other,you have to create it.This will tell the search engines that what to index and what to not.

Alexa Rank :-

A lot of people disagree with this statement.But you have to build a decent alexa rank of your site.Make sure that your rank is under 400k.Else the chances are low to be confirmed by adsense.

Additional Pages :-

You have to create a privacy policy,about,contact us page and terms of use page before applying to adsense.You need to mention that what your site is about and how helpful for people.

Decent Traffic :-

Now this is the most important of all.Your site have to be generate best huge organic traffic to be easily approved by adsense.Your site have to be 1000 unique visitors per day and 2k-3k page views to be easily approved and generate huge revenue.

Please drop a line of your experience in the comments.Stay tuned with Cool Blogger Stuff for more.

Monday 14 July 2014

Best ways to make money from a website

To most people,making money online is mostly about "ADVERTISING ON YOUR BLOG/WEBSITE".Advertisements can be of various forms,including direct ads,affiliate ads,sponsored ads and so on.While advertising remains one of the most popular and lucrative forms of online earning,it is not the only one.If you don't want to clutter up your website with those ads so,you can consider other ways of earning money.

1.) Sponsored Reviews :-

Paid reviews are the very common method of making money. Authoritative websites,or websites focused on a particular niche get paid to review certain website,app or service.If you have a website with a decent traffic,you can contact a review network too and get paid for writing good posts about the product.Some of the networks include PayPerPost ,ReviewMe and Blogvertise etc.

2.) Affiliate Marketing :-

Affiliate marketing is a form of advertising,but not if you do it properly.Instead of just stamping an affiliate ad in your website's side bar,it's far most important to actually create content about the product your advocating.People write reviews,comparisons,roundups and so on about the affiliate products they want to sell on their blog.

3.) Consultancy and Special Services :-

 Offering your expert services in form of consultation to clients who pay you is another form of making money online.Many websites have their own service pages where you can hire their special service.

4.) Software and Tools :-

If you are a developer,you can showcase the software and tools you've created on your websites to make money.Some people offer tools on their sites such as widgets as we are also providing.The tools can be anything from blogger widgets to wordpress plugins.

5.) Themes and Templates :-

There is another simple source of earning online which is THEMES AND TEMPLATES.If you are good at creating themes and templates so you can sell them at good price and earn money online,that's why many people started this business and earning good money.

 6.) Donations :-

If you are really doing some community work,or developing a software you can ask people to donate to your fund project.There are some moral obligations associated with taking donations from the public.

7.) Selling Websites and Domains :-

Another very profitable business is selling websites and domains at good price and earning money online.Good domain names themselves go for 6+ figures.And if you have a well established blog or website you can sell it for more money.

These are the best ways of making money from a website/blog.You can also see
top 10 methods to make money on internet

5 ways to make money online      


Good bye..........

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Top 10 methods to Make Money on the internet

Making money on the internet is no longer a problem.Every one of you can make money online by using your skills and doing hard work.But this all depends on your dedication and education.No matter that you are a newbie or a professional,you can still find lot's of ways to earn money online.

Writing Articles and Contents :-

Believe it or not but every student and even full time employee can get paid by writing articles online.Plenty of websites,blogs and marketplaces are working online for you to find appropriate writing projects.Once you are able to write online articles and unique contents on daily basis,your earning would start growing and this is one of the earning methods you can get benefited from living at home.

Data entry projects :-

If you think that articles and contents is difficult for you,then do not worry you can do data entry jobs too.Finding such programs at and are quite easy.Another platform to get hired as a data entry operator is

Online Marketing :-

Those who believe that they are proficient in marketing or have enough skills to get more and more clients/projects can join the companies which offer online marketing jobs.Searching such a company website is quiet easy,you can Google it and check the jobs posting on it.Drop your resume at those places and if you pass the interview they will hire you on contract.

Google Adsense :-

Google adsense is the most reliable and best ways to earn money online with your website or blog.To start earning online with your blog/website you should first develop it properly,SEO it and put quality content on it.Then apply for an adsense account and when you will get approved then start making money with it.

Website Designing and Development :-

Website designing and development is yet another way of earning money online.This acts just like content and article writing.To become a successful web designer and developer you should use social networking communities and marketplaces for your client.

Social Media Bookmarking :-

In order to generate maximum organic traffic for a website,the companies hire social media book markers.The purpose of these individual is to adopt techniques for grasping more and more people to their website by means of social media.

Become online Seller :-

If you own a factory or are into suppliers'business then this is a great chance for you to become online seller.Join ebay,alibaba,amazon etc to improve your business.

Online Form Filling :-

Different from filling projects are being posted on, and companies hire individuals for freelance form filling.This is although a low paying work but it also helps you in earning money online.

Video Marketing :-

Video marketing is yet another wonderful way of earning money online.If you have created some useful and informative videos then upload them to or similar websites.This make the people view your videos regularly and the marketing of your products will be easy and automatically.By doing this,some companies will hire you for their online marketing.

Search Engine Optimization :-

Doing SEO is yet another way of earning quiet good amount of money online.All the websites/blogs need the SEOs services for them to ranked high and get noticed on search engines.This is a well paying job and you can easily earn money from it if you think that you are a excellent seo.

Also take a look on ---->>> 5-ways-to-make-money-online   

Why to Make Money Online is important ?

Why Making Money Online is important ?

In this article we will discuss about "why earning money online" is very important these days.To make it more sensible,we'll look at into many factors that involve in making money online.

Why Should you make money online ?

This question looks strange,but usually there is no answer to "why" but let me tell you one thing,that every question has an answer,and same goes for "why".So here is the list of reasons of why should you start earning money online.

-> More than half of the world use internet daily.
-> Internet users are dramatically increasing day by day.
-> Millions of products are sold online on daily basis.
-> Every single offline business will turn into online business by 2016
-> Most of the information on internet is free.

Which ways of Making Money Online are Reliable and Consistent ?

Now the questions get changes here that many users who just came to know about Making Money on the internet ask a question that where to start from and which are the best ways to making money online on internet.So here a is list of some ways which I have experimented myself.
1. Making money using blogging (via advertisements,services and selling products.)
2. Making money by working as a freelancer(at Odesk,fiverr and eLance etc)
3. Earn by affiliate marketing (promote products and get commision)
4. Online Business (make a online business i.e web designing,themes,hosting company etc).
5. Online Teaching ( earn money online by online teaching using your own website/blog or offer your teaching on, and many more.)
6. Selling Domains and Websites (earn money online by selling and buying domains and websites).
7. Content writing(you can easily earn money through content writing for other websites/blogs)

The above 7 methods will help you very much to earn money online with your dedication,hard work,skills and even with your investments.You can alternatively search about these methods by search about them on the internet.
I will try to publish every bit of information related to EARNING MONEY ONLINE on this blog,because this blog is only about best blogger stuff and earning money online.

Good bye........


Monday 30 June 2014

5 Ways to make money online

1. Flip Domains Names :-

Domain names are valuable internet real estate and some people actually make a nice living of buying and selling them.One strategy is to use Google Adwords to find keywords that are trending and use the information to buy domain names that you think may be soon in demand.However,since short,snappy or straightforward domain names have already been snatched up,you can also get lucky buying domain names that are random acronyms,as you never know when a person or company with those exact initials will decide to set up a website.

2. Do Online Surveys :-

Online surveys won't earn you much apiece,but they don't eat up much time either and can add up when you need cash in a pinch.

 3. Transcribe Audio :-

Websites are getting better and better about providing them written transcript for hearing impaired,means that transcriber jobs pop up fairly regularly.Transcribing is usually low paying but easy,fast and does not requires much commitment.Check eLance and oDesk for current transcribing posting.

4. Edit Audio:-

If you know how to use sound-editing software,you can clean up webcasts and interviews before they go online.Again look at a site like eLance and oDesk for opportunities.

5. Enter Contests:-

Since you won't get paid until your entry wins ,search for a wide range of free contests in a field where you are already. 


Sunday 29 June 2014

Top 10 Pakistani (Professional Bloggers)

Blogging has become one of the most profitable business online and Pakistani bloggers are out their who are performing extremely well in the blogosphere.Below i have listed top 10 Pakistani Bloggers who have become professionals and are earning a handsome income from their blogs.So,take a look of them.

Top 10 Professional Pakistani Bloggers :

1. Syed Balkhi :-

He lives in U.S now,but we are proud that he belongs to Pakistan.In his early childhood,Balkhi was selling small gadgets in the streets of Karachi,near his house,to collect his pocket money.But later,his family migrated to U.S where his cousins told him about domain buying and selling.This was the Balkhi's first online business.His main blog is WPbeginner where he helps both newbies and professional in understanding WordPress CMS.According to an estimate Balkhi is earning more than $20K monthly.

2.Taimur Asad :-

Taimur is yet another Pakistani Blogger,the owner of Redmond Pie, a well established tech blog.He post technology latest updates and news in his blog.Although there is a hard competition in the technology niche these days,but taimur has made his spot in the competition.

3. Aamir Atta :-

Yet another humble blogger from pakistan,owns Propakistani,a well established tech blog in pakistan.Aamir has made a huge audience in his blog regularly.Aamir is monetizing his blog from direct advertisers from big brands of the country like warid telecom and several others.

4. Syed Faizan Ali :-

He also belongs to karachi and run MBL and Templateism,two well established blogger resources on the web.MBL was Faizan's  first blog where he write posts about google and blogger.Now he has generating a handsome income from his blogs.

5. Muhammad Mustafa AhmedZai :-

He registered his first blogging company in the country,the STC network.Muhammad is earning a handsome income from his blogs.His main blog is MBT where he share blogger tips and tricks.

6. Naved Javiad :-

He writes at smashingapps and earns a very attractive amount from his blogs.Naved's blog is well ranked and recieve a massive hits each day.According to an estimate Naved is earning 10k U.S dollar each month.

7. Ali Qayyum :-

It is being assumed that Ali Qayyum is earning around 10K U.S Dollar each month from his blog, smashinghub each month.At his blog he writes about technology and Qayyum's blog has a great number of tech lovers.

8. Ahmed Owais :-

He is an interesting personality and a great,humble blogger,blogs at freakify.At his blog he writes openly about different tech topics and as well as shares content about blogging and web designing.

9. Mohsin Ali :-

Mohsin writes at askmohsin and InternetKhazana.He is managing InternetKhanzana for many years and askmohsin is his new blog where he writes about tips related to tech and other topics.According to an estimate mohsin is earning $1500 per month.

10. Abdul Wali :-

Wali runs onlineustaad, a great information resource for bloggers and Internet marketers.At his blog he usually writes about earning online money in Pakistan.He is also generating a well amount from his blog.

So,these are the ten Professional Bloggers of Pakistan.

Sunday 22 June 2014

How to make money by blogging

Making money with blogging is also called "Monetize Blog".80% of the bloggers blog to make some income online.But, successful blogs are those which are written with passion and not thinking about income.Yes, its true if you are only thinking about your income you will miss your quality of your content.The best thing for all bloggers is to start blogging with thinking about income just improve your blog and make it one of the best then focus about income.

Here we discuss some ways of making money by Blogging :

1. Selling your own products or merchandising :

Say,you are having products like T-shirts,handicrafts,fashion items,electronic,wallpapers,themes etc.Your blog will help you in promoting your business.And offer them products like online purchasing.Also you willbe paid by selling the products of others (merchandising).

 2. Affiliate Marketing :

There are some other way from earning with your blog if it is new and with lesser posts.The best option being Affiliate Marketing.Famous Affiliate programs are ( ebay and Amazon ) lets you to add their products add on your blog or website and you will get paid if you sell any of them.

3. Google Adsense :

Google adsense is a slow but steady way of online earning.This process is especially slow for bloggers.Usually getting satisfied income from Google adsense is a long process.You really need to be patient and you cannot rush to earn some $ per day.But once your blog gets older and gets huge traffic you can earn money like you never before.But getting your account approved for blog is a tough process so,see Tips to get your adsense account approved .

4. Google Adsense Alternatives :

Although,adsense is a great way of monetizing ,bloggers wants more and therefore some other alternatives emerged.Their is a list of some :






Adpushup etc.

I heard that Kontera is not so much helpful but Clicksor offers great cost per click.But it overall depends on your blog layout.Anyway i feel that Google Adsense still rules the world of ads publishing.But if incase  you want to try some alternatives so you can try Bidvertiser,Adwager,Chitika etc

5. Sell your blog/website :

I know you cannot sell your blog to anyone it is against google's policy.They will ban your account.But, there is another way that you can give your id or password to any customer. Here are some sites where you can sell your blog. 




6. Donation Buttons :

This is a minor way of making money.We all know Wikipedia the world's greatest encyclopedia.But,it do not shows any of the ads.Did you ever guess how they make money?.So the answer is that many of the regular users donate the Wikipedia.Similarly you can also add the donate button to your blog and earn a minor amount.

Comment below for any information or sharing your experience with us.