Sunday 22 June 2014

How to make money by blogging

Making money with blogging is also called "Monetize Blog".80% of the bloggers blog to make some income online.But, successful blogs are those which are written with passion and not thinking about income.Yes, its true if you are only thinking about your income you will miss your quality of your content.The best thing for all bloggers is to start blogging with thinking about income just improve your blog and make it one of the best then focus about income.

Here we discuss some ways of making money by Blogging :

1. Selling your own products or merchandising :

Say,you are having products like T-shirts,handicrafts,fashion items,electronic,wallpapers,themes etc.Your blog will help you in promoting your business.And offer them products like online purchasing.Also you willbe paid by selling the products of others (merchandising).

 2. Affiliate Marketing :

There are some other way from earning with your blog if it is new and with lesser posts.The best option being Affiliate Marketing.Famous Affiliate programs are ( ebay and Amazon ) lets you to add their products add on your blog or website and you will get paid if you sell any of them.

3. Google Adsense :

Google adsense is a slow but steady way of online earning.This process is especially slow for bloggers.Usually getting satisfied income from Google adsense is a long process.You really need to be patient and you cannot rush to earn some $ per day.But once your blog gets older and gets huge traffic you can earn money like you never before.But getting your account approved for blog is a tough process so,see Tips to get your adsense account approved .

4. Google Adsense Alternatives :

Although,adsense is a great way of monetizing ,bloggers wants more and therefore some other alternatives emerged.Their is a list of some :






Adpushup etc.

I heard that Kontera is not so much helpful but Clicksor offers great cost per click.But it overall depends on your blog layout.Anyway i feel that Google Adsense still rules the world of ads publishing.But if incase  you want to try some alternatives so you can try Bidvertiser,Adwager,Chitika etc

5. Sell your blog/website :

I know you cannot sell your blog to anyone it is against google's policy.They will ban your account.But, there is another way that you can give your id or password to any customer. Here are some sites where you can sell your blog. 




6. Donation Buttons :

This is a minor way of making money.We all know Wikipedia the world's greatest encyclopedia.But,it do not shows any of the ads.Did you ever guess how they make money?.So the answer is that many of the regular users donate the Wikipedia.Similarly you can also add the donate button to your blog and earn a minor amount.

Comment below for any information or sharing your experience with us.

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