Thursday 19 June 2014

11 tips to get your Adsense account approved

There are thousands of blogspot accounts being opened everyday and Google has been receiving many applications for Adsense approval.So, it is really hard to think that your adsense application will be get approval ;even google adheres to their policy strictly.So their are some useful tips for you to get approval for your account.

Submitting your blog to search engines:- 

Surprisingly, it's not important to check whether your blog is receiving huge traffic or not but it is very important to ensure that whatever posts you have written and whatever pages you have submitted were INDEXED by the search engines.Our blog can also get huge traffic without indexing ! but it does not mean that our blog is receiving traffic by the search engines.Proper submission to search engines is an important tool and in fact a proper way to get page ranks.

Some Useful Tricks For Implementation :-

1) Link your webmaster account to Google Analytics account.

2) Resubmit your blog sitemap to Adsense before applying to adsense.

3) Submit all your individual posts to webmaster "Fetch As Google" tool.

4) Maintained more back links for a good page rank.

5) Submit your blog URL to social media sites.

6) Maintained Clean blog layout.

7) Checked Blog and individual meta tags and search descriptions.

8) Created and included RSS feeders.

9) No broken links.

10) Keep Writing/posting

11) Recheck your blog for content errors regularly.

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