Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts

Sunday 27 July 2014

How to use PageSpeed Insights to make your site Mobile-Friendly?

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that going mobile is the new norm these days.A mobile friendly is no longer a luxury,but a necessity.If you are working on making a site mobile friendly and haven't heard of PageSpeed Insights then you know nothing....Google has put together (and now updated) a great tool-Page Speed Insights- to help developers and webmasters make their pages mobile-friendly,with recommendations on mobile usability.

It is the goal of any webmaster to optimize their website so as to minimize its loading time.A fast loading page goes a long way in improving your website's user experience.But suppose you manage a very fast~1 second load time for your website.If that comes for the cost of usability,then its really not an improvement.

For example a user might need to scroll or zoom out quite in a bit in order to read the content on your site.The time wasted between the page loading, and up until the moment the user can start interacting with your website counts as much as the initial loading time.Well,this is where the PageSpeed Insights come in.

The pagespeed insights tool provides valuable information regarding your website,and how you can optimize it for better effect.It's new user-experience rules can help you find and fix the usability issues found on your website.

1. View Port :

Without a meta-viewport tag,modern mobile browsers will assume your page is not mobile friendly,and will fall back to a desktop viewport and possibly apply font-boosting,interfering with your intended page layout.Configuring the viewport to width=device-width should be your first step in mobilizing your site.

2. Font Sizes :

Use legible font sizes : if your users have to zoom in just to be able read your article text on their smartphone screen,then your site isn't mobile-friendly.PageSpeed Insights checks that your site's text is large enough for most users to read comfortably.

3. Scale Objects :

Size tap targets appropriately: Nothing's more frustrating than trying to tap a button or link on phone or tablet touch screen,and accidentally hitting the wrong one because your finger pad is much bigger than a laptop's mouse cursor.Make sure that your mobile site's touchscreen tap targets are large enough to press easily.

 4. Avoid third-party plugins :

  Avoid plugins : Most smartphones don't support Flash or other browser plugins,so make sure that your mobile site doesn't rely on plugins.

You can read more about these rules in the Google Help Section or you can ask us anything about it in the comments section below.Also we cover more of these topics in detail so stay tuned with us........Happy blogging :)  

Also Check Out :



Tuesday 22 July 2014

How to become a Millionaire using Internet ?

Millions and Billions of people are earning from livelihoods from the internet these days.With the passage of time,the revolutions in science and technology and the advent of internet has made our lives easier.You can also become a millionaire using internet if you are skilled enough and have tricks for huge earnings.

So you can be a millionaire by using internet and by adopting the following ways.

1. Import Export :

Gone are the days when internet was a fun making tool,nowadays plenty of people are doing import export businesses by using this platform.It is also quiet easy to find the interested buyers for your products.A lot of websites like,, etc. can help you make your way to success.Becoming a millionaire using import export on internet is like a cup of tea these days.Just you have to make sure that your clients are original and won't scam you.To ensure your security and payment terms you can also take advance payments.Once you are perfect on this business,you will become a rich man in few days.

2. Have Personal Blogs :

At the initial stages,personal blog's won't earn you a handsome income,only the efforts and skills are to be put on them for about five to six months.But once you are able to establish 10 blogs with adsense approved on them and have enough financiers,you will earn a decent amount of money from them.Many of the successful bloggers are earning a huge amount of money from their personal blogs.

3. Become an online marketer :

Just like the real-world marketers,the online marketers earn a handsome amount.If you think you have the skills to grasp the attention of clients from the world over,then many companies are waiting to appoint online marketers.What you have to do is just to drop your CV and cover letters to such interested companies.Once they interview and appoint you,be assured that this would be your time to make your way to become a millionaire.

4. Online Trading :

Doing trading online is like an import export work but it is somewhat different and better.To become a successful trader online,you first need to promote your services.For this purpose you can use Social Media,like Facebook,Google+,Twitter and LinkedIn etc so the world know that you are a trader and let the interested clients hire your services.Once,some people or company owners hire you as there representative traders,you would automatically start earning a huge amount of money on monthly or weekly basis.Once you set-up your repute you can start a separate trading business.Keep in mind that repute of a trader matters a lot,until or unless it is kept maintained,you would get successful online deals.Once your repute is at risk,no one would hire you.

I am sure by knowing these ideas,you will make your way towards becoming millionaire using internet.So,start your way a earn a-lot.Also stay connected with us for getting more information.

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Friday 18 July 2014

How To Create A Great Website That Is Valuable To Your Audience

How to Create A Great Website That Is Valuable To Your Audience?

Are you looking to set up a new website or blog?,the Google Webmaster Academy can help you.Ever it is launched in 2012,it has helped thousands of webmasters to take their websites to the next level.Here's our version of how to create a great website.

Step 1 : Setting up a new website

Setting up a new website is the easiest part.But you have to get out of the comfort of the sub domain and spend a few money on buying a custom domain and hosting (unless you're blogger,in which case you just need to buy a domain).

But before that you need to decide that you want a blog or a website.If you want to get a blog so please choose blogger or wordpress,because these are the two most famous platforms for blogging.Now you have to choose a custom domain for your site.Visit godaddy for registering a new domain or hostgator for web hosting.

Step 2 : Identify A Target Audience 

Before you create your content,you should identify your site's audience.These are the people you want to visit your site.For example : the audience for our site COOL BLOGGER STUFF  includes bloggers,webmasters etc.Once you identify your audience you will create a content that is useful and relevant to them.Once you have plans for your website written down,show your friends and family to gather feedback.Ask them what they think about your site as a professional visitor.You can also conduct surveys and tests.Ask them what they think about your site.

Step 3 : Creating High Quality Content 

The key to creating a great website is to create a best quality content for your audience.If people found your site great and unique they may come back time to time or link your content to their own websites.This can help attract more people to your site over time.

As you being creating unique content,so make sure that your site is :-

-> Useful and Informative :If your website is for launching a restaurant,you can include the location,hours of operation,contact information,menu and a blog to share upcoming events.

-> More Valuable and Useful than other sites :If you write about how to train a dog,make sure that your articles provide more value or a different perspective than the numerous articles on the web.

-> A recognized authority on a subject :Think about how the users might identify the authority by using original research,citations,links or references.Things like a short author biography help to boost to article's trustworthiness and reputation.

-> High Quality Content :Your blog's content should be unique,specific and high quality.It should not be massed produced or very huge.Keep in mind that your content should be created primarily to get good user experience not to get well ranked in search engines.

-> Engaging :-Bring color and life to your site by adding images in your posts.Make sure that your visitors are not distracted by spelling mistakes and factual errors.Engage visitors by interacting with them through regular updates,comment boxes or social media plugins.

Step 4 : Site Structure

As a webmaster,you want your users to quickly and easily navigate your site to find the content they are looking for.You also want search engines t easily crawl your site and understand the content that you consider is important.Keep in your mind that mobile optimization is very important because with increasing smartphone usage,mobile is now as important as desktop.As a webmaster,you need to prepare a mobile version of your site.So get started with these tips.

Stay tuned with cool blogger stuff for more information....Happy blogging :)       

Thursday 3 July 2014

How to download Facebook videos without any software

Hi guyz,today i am sharing a cool and great information with you.How to download Facebook videos without any software or browser extension.So friends get ready for the amazing post.Well one day I was looking for some good information to download facebook videos,but all were not good as they use browser and software.So, I find the way myself.Now start this trick.

1.First of all open the URL of the Facebook video you want to download.

2.After opening the video,change the URL from WWW to M , it will open the video in mobile version.
For Example the URL of the video is

then change it,so it will appear like :-

3.So,the real work starts, now play the video.While it is playing,right click on the video and choose SAVE AS option.Then choose the location of download in your computer.

Enjoy. :)


Wednesday 2 July 2014

How to make money using Facebook

3 ways to make money online from Facebook

1.Make great posts :-

The foundation of any successful plan to make money with social media is good content,and lot's of it.On Facebook it means a stream of interesting links,images and updates everyday.
-> Search for a niche and fill it with quality content.May be you plan to post content for cat lovers,politics,gaming,computing or everything else.If you are thinking of marketing a product so link it in anyway to your posts.
->Consider opening up another Facebook account and keep it separate from your personal account.Use this account for your posts and link them to your personal account to let people know about them.Depending on the approaches you use,you might even consider multiple extra accounts.
->Give it time,let your account build up interest overtime by continuing to provide fresh and relevant content every day.

2. Make a commitment to earn :-

The only way to make money using Facebook is through persistent work.Like any job,setting a schedule and sticking to it is the key.

->Organize.Whatever strategy you plan to pursue,you'll probably have to take care of several things everyday to make it work for you.Plan out the order and times you'll do them in advance.
->Saturate your market.Making money with Facebook is more of a numbers game than anything else.Since marketing on Facebook costs nothing except can market as much as you want-even to a point that would be prohibitively expensive in other way.
-> Add aggressively.One of the best ways to increase the number of people looking at your page is to simply add people as friends as often as you can.

3.Making money from Affiliate Programs :-

Find an affiliate program.

Affiliate programs provide you a unique ID and marketing materials ,and then pay you a commission based on how much business you generate.Most websites you have heard offer a affiliate program.Start well known brands like Amazon,offers a competitive affiliate program that pays a percentage of how many people buy their product because of you.

Monday 30 June 2014

5 Ways to make money online

1. Flip Domains Names :-

Domain names are valuable internet real estate and some people actually make a nice living of buying and selling them.One strategy is to use Google Adwords to find keywords that are trending and use the information to buy domain names that you think may be soon in demand.However,since short,snappy or straightforward domain names have already been snatched up,you can also get lucky buying domain names that are random acronyms,as you never know when a person or company with those exact initials will decide to set up a website.

2. Do Online Surveys :-

Online surveys won't earn you much apiece,but they don't eat up much time either and can add up when you need cash in a pinch.

 3. Transcribe Audio :-

Websites are getting better and better about providing them written transcript for hearing impaired,means that transcriber jobs pop up fairly regularly.Transcribing is usually low paying but easy,fast and does not requires much commitment.Check eLance and oDesk for current transcribing posting.

4. Edit Audio:-

If you know how to use sound-editing software,you can clean up webcasts and interviews before they go online.Again look at a site like eLance and oDesk for opportunities.

5. Enter Contests:-

Since you won't get paid until your entry wins ,search for a wide range of free contests in a field where you are already.